Letter Artist, Typedesigner & calligrapher

Champignons de paris


Champignons de paris

Petits Fours Galerie
Lieu : Art By Friends

Vernissage le 14 janvier 2023
Exposition du 12 janvier au 31 mars 2023

Lettering created for the exhibition Champignons de Paris, by Petits Fours Galerie. This calligraphy-inspired lettering was both the title of the event, a painted mural, and a label for the jarred mushrooms presented in the exhibition.

"Rare in the wild, the button mushroom, or agaric bispore, is the edible species most cultivated by humans and represents 40% of the world's mushroom production. Through this collective exhibition, Petits Fours Galerie explores the mushroom in all its forms, artistic and culinary. Whether through photography, sculpture, illustration... or through picking and tasty recipes, artists and chefs interpret their vision of these special little beings. Come and discover mushrooms through numerous artistic and culinary events throughout the exhibition.

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